I am exploring the Ancient Mojave lake systems, accessing material from six different areas of science.

My goal is to create educational resources for both advocates and students of desert studies.
Bruce Hamilton
I have a history of enthusiastic archaeological interest extending into my youth. Later, as a student at University of California, Riverside, one of my areas of study was anthropology. Later, I taught school, both elementary and secondary, and attempted to always establish an interest in our natural world. After retirement, I became interested in desert studies which led to involvement with Calico Mountains Archaeology Site. I joined the board and built the CMAS website. I own the site now and have changed the name back to Calico Early Man Site.

I spent endless hours looking over the expansive Manix Basin. Countless times I witnessed the light begin to form in the morning in the east, much later, then wane as the sun set in the west. While sitting around Camp Leakey's firepit my imagination would be in full bloom conjuring visions of humans and their complex economic relationship along the Manix Lake environment margins.

Any answers to my many questions only created more questions. That was when I realized that embedded in my future was to create a website that would include basic information and links for interested individuals to followup and dig deeper.

Our goal is to create an educational site that continues to grow. Because you can't explain the entire Mojave River watershed using one area of study, we decided to connect the six basic relevant study areas: archaeology, anthropology, paleontology, geology, geography and hydrology. Of course, there are innumerable subdivisions of the six main areas of study. I plan to list, describe those subdivisions and how they are relavent to our study.

I am multi-skilled and a curious specialist who is always up for a challenge and learning as fast as research, physical locations and discoveries allow me.