’The Big 60th'

October 23rd through 27th - Five Days, Twelve Events

This initial flyer is going out to PSHS classes of 1964-1965.
We have an ancient list from our classes, and we are not
confident that many of these emails are current.
If you are in contact with 1964-65 classmates and they did not
receive this flyer, please send us their name and email address,
we will get information to them ASAP.

There is a lot of information available, we will send that along as an email.
We will also post on website both general and specific information.

~ Day ONE of Events, Wednesday, October 23 ~

A. Homecoming Parade, Downtown PS~ PSHS theme this year is ‘CANDYLAND’ Beginning at 3pm from about Baristo Rd, heading north to Alejo Rd. .Sent private message with your name, email, phone number to Susan if you wish an application to drive or have a float in the parade.
B. After parade is informal get together by PSHS events lead or 4:30 pm, we will need to know who will be there to set aside space. Venue TBD, tentative is Las Casuelas Terraza, comp Happy Hour with drink order in special area. After linger/mixer order off menu. Please RSVP in detail for you & plus one.

~ RSVP Event Link ~

~ Day TWO of Events, Thursday, October 24 ~

A. Downtown PS Historical walk, 9 AM, Comp tour by Renee Brown, CEO of PS Historical Society. Renee has generously offered to conduct, guide at no charge (she is a PSHS 70s alum); Includes McCallum Adobe tour at approximately 10 am.
B. PS Art Museum, Thursday is free 5-8 pm. Take advantage, go there 5-7 pm then enjoy next event.
C. Villagefest, Enjoy PS Downtown Market 7-10pm and sent PM if you will want to meet up sometime during evening, time and place.

~ RSVP Event Link ~

~ Day THREE of Events, Friday, October 25 ~

A. Tahquitz Canyon hike, 8-9AM The hike is listed as strenuous, 1.8 miles round trip, 15-18” rise to step over boulders. Cost is approx. $15-20. PP. Trying for guide, set up group.
B. Agua Caliente Cultural Museum, tour 1-2PM, working on group tour.
C. Billy Reed early bird dinner, pre-Homecoming Football game. Let us know if you plan to attend. We will meet up at Billy Reed’s Restaurant 4-6 pm for Hot Dog, Hamburger or your choice, must order a meal because of exception by venue to hire staff, cooks, etc. Then we will all go to PSHS homecoming game, to arrive by or before 6:30 PM. Billy said to form a list of 70 maximum so he can have staff on hand to serve our group. I may be able to expand the number slightly. VERY IMPORTANT that you provide me with firm confirmation.)
D. PSHS short campus walk, photo op 6:30pm
E. PSHS Homecoming Football game, For the game I need another confirmation to save seats in bleachers for the game which starts at 7 PM. Cost for seniors $10. PP. RSVP. We cordon off an area in the bleachers for those who RSVP. We will be announced around half time as a group.
F. After game, We can try to meet up after the game back downtown for live rock music, dancing.

~ RSVP Event Link ~

~ Day FOUR of Events, Saturday, October 26 ~

Reunion dinner, Main dinner 4:30 check in cocktails, mocktails. Buffet dinner service 5:30 – 6 pm. Venue TBA. $115 PP prepaid by July 30, 2024. NOTE Class years 1964 & 1965 will have first option ticket reserve. luxury Thompson Hotel ballroom, $115 PP, gourmet quality buffet. Contact Susan for Zelle info and you can add the Zelle email address now to flyer & website; Five Star hotel new rooms: Susan will issue PSHS 64 & 65 mates special hotel rate code for reserved rooms, first come, first served. Must reach out. If rooms are available after 30-45 days, next will be siblings, mates, family from before & after 64 & 65 class years, SIXTIES.
Limit is 200, may extend capacity to 250, ‘64 & ‘65 must pay before 8/15/24 to secure seat. After August 15, we will open tickets to SIXTIES classmates. We hope PSHS siblings will attend. Provide your class year, name (maiden, married) contact info. We will use Zelle or mail a check so it arrives by cut offs. Open bar. Event will be about communicating.
We will have a ‘Pass the microphone”. We want each of you to write out in advance a three to five minute share of hello, a PSHS memory, then to now catch up, if you are artist share item(s). DJ to play era songs of the era, dance floor. Focus is listening to classmates share an interesting story, memory 7-8:30 PM. We will have tables, art easels for your art, books, photograph copies/examples. Bring what you’d like to share. Cheerleaders, Pom-Poms, football jersey or award. Photographers, painters, authors, print book order form, Chocolatiers samples welcome! PSHS sweethearts applaud.
Dressy casual, classy~look nice for photos & be comfortable.

~ RSVP Event Link ~

~ Day Five of Events, Sunday October 27 ~

TBD. The new Surf Park is a fun venue, food is very good. Maybe our surfers will want to show their moves, Stuart?!
RSVP if you will attend so we can work on group rate. Other ideas~ We can consider a picnic at Ruth Hardy Park, breakfast at Billy Reeds, brunch buffet at Spa Casino or local American Legion where I volunteer.
Notes: We are creating notes sheets with several details such as hotel block special rate, how to sponsor a mate, volunteer to guest a mate from out of area, PSHS colors, ID lanyard, comfort suggestions for events and a fillable PDF guide so you can write out your history, then to now.

A little stroll down memory lane.


Palm Springs High School Classes of the Sixties - Susan Smith-Cogliano, POB 2525, Palm Springs, California 92263